Life Insurance Awareness Month Presented by Marc Aarons September is Life Insurance Awareness Month. If you haven’t reviewed your insurance profile in a while, you may be surprised that what made sense in the past no longer fits your life. Here are some ways to quickly evaluate your needs. *Stop on a DIME – […]
As conventional extended-care policies grow costlier, alternatives have emerged. Provided by Marc Aarons The COVID-19 pandemic has changed extended-care policies. While the specific policy information varies from company to company, in general, the pandemic has made it more difficult to qualify for extended-care policies. This can be particularly challenging if you’re in a high-risk group. […]
Breaking down the enrollment periods and eligibility. Provided by Marc Aarons Medicare enrollment is automatic for some. For those receiving Social Security benefits, the coverage starts on the first day of the month you turn 65.1 If you are not receiving Social Security benefits at 65, you may be delaying until you reach full retirement […]
The expense of insuring yourself may be minor compared to the price of surgeries and procedures. Provided by Marc Aarons When uninsured people end up in the hospital, “sticker shock” can follow. Just a quick look at the current prices for medical procedures can be sobering. How much does a CT scan cost? Between $250 […]