Interest rates on 30-year fixed mortgages hit a record low. Presented by Money Managers Inc. Mortgages are cheaper than ever. Economists and real estate analysts who predicted lower interest rates were not disappointed; the earliest numbers from 2012 have reached an all-time low, leading a number of homeowners to consider their options. On January 12, interest rates on 30-year FRMs dropped to 3.89%.
Companies sponsoring group health plans should be aware of the changes coming to the health insurance industry as part of the “second stage” of health care reform. An ongoing relationship with a licensed insurance and financial consultant can help you keep these major and minor adjustments on your radar.
Congress will consider three suggestions.
What would you do with an extra $1,000 or $2,000? The Tax Relief Act of 2010 will give many of us the equivalent of a 2% raise in 2011. Employee payroll taxes have been cut from 6.2% to 4.2% this year.1 So if you pay into Social Security, you are looking at a rise in your take-home pay. What are your plans for that extra money?
Will the Mubarak government be toppled? Egyptians took to the streets in Cairo and other major cities Friday, facing riot squads and armored personnel carriers as they demanded political reforms and an end to the 30-year rule of the country’s president, Hosni Mubarak. The Mubarak government shut down the nation’s internet providers and mobile phone network and imposed a nationwide nightly curfew within a 36-hour period Thursday and Friday. In response, a huge crowd surrounded[…]
What factors need to be in place for this to happen? Presented by Money Managers, Inc. What will it take for the housing market and employment to really improve? It really boils down to the two greatest economic factors of all: supply and demand. What needs to happen in the labor market? Ideally
THE BUSH-ERA TAX CUTS LIVE ON With the President’s signature, most of them will remain in place through 2012. Presented by Marc Aarons A holiday gift for taxpayers? After a 277-148 passage in the House and an 81-19 approval in the Senate, President Obama signed the 2010 Tax Relief Act into law on December 17, extending the Bush-era tax cuts.1 Here is the impact of the new legislation: Current federal income tax rates are preserved for everyone
Many expected a deal – but not necessarily this one. Political and economic analysts widely believed that President Obama and Republican leaders would .....
Don’t miss the IRA contribution deadline! Make sure you make your 2008 IRA contribution before April 15! With share prices at historic lows, fully funding your IRA for 2008 (and 2009) could mean a tremendous boost toward saving for retirement. Times are tough, but remember:
Dear fellow tax payer, You may be wondering: what has the Troubled Asset Relief Program really accomplished? How was the first half of the TARP money spent? Where will the second half go? It’s time for a quick peek at TARP past, present and future. Where the money went