Posts about 401 k

What Employers Should Know About 401(k) Vesting Schedules

Emplopyers Should Know about 401 (K) Vesting Schedules Presented by Marc Aarons   I hope this finds you well today. I’m reaching out today to touch on the importance of vesting schedules when designing a 401(k) plan for your business and employees. With 88% of workers saying a 401(k) plan is a must-have benefit when looking […]

Retirement Plans for Individuals & Businesses: A look at some of the choices.

Provided by Marc Aarons @ Money Managers Inc.   Households are saving too little for the future. According to one new analysis, 41% of Gen Xers and 42% of baby boomers have yet to begin saving for retirement. In a recent financial industry survey, 35% of small business owners said they were planning to use […]

Do You Have a Financial Wellness Program?

Companies are luring & retaining employees with this key perk. Provided by Marc Aarons @ Money Managers, Inc.   What do your retirement plan participants wish you would offer? Besides the chance to save and invest part of their paychecks, that is? The answer could be “a little more help.” Last year, Charles Schwab surveyed […]

End-of-the-Year Money Moves

   Here are some things you might want to do before saying goodbye to 2016 Provided by Marc Aarons @ Money Managers, Inc. What has changed for you in 2016? Did you start a new job or leave a job behind? Did you retire? Did you start a family? If notable changes occurred in your […]