© 2024 Money Managers, Inc.
Some specifics about the “second act.” Provided by Marc Aarons at Money Managers, Inc. Does your vision of retirement align with the facts? Here are some noteworthy financial and lifestyle facts about life after 50 that might surprise you. Up to 85% of a retiree’s Social Security income can be taxed. Some retirees […]
Even those who have saved millions must prepare for a lifestyle adjustment. Provided by Marc Aarons @ Money Managers, Inc. A successful retirement is not merely measured in financial terms. Even those who retire with small fortunes can face boredom or depression and the fear of drawing down their savings too fast. How can new retirees […]
You may assume you will. That assumption could be a retirement planning risk. Provided by Marc Aarons @ Money Managers, Inc. How long do you think you will work? Are you one of those baby boomers (or Gen Xers) who believes he or she can work past 65? Some pre-retirees are basing their entire retirement […]
After many years together, some retired spouses may find their daily routines far apart. Provided by Marc Aaron’s @ Money Managers, Inc. When you see online ads or TV commercials about retirement planning, […]
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