There are those who favor value and those who favor growth. Provided by Marc Arrons at Money Managers, Inc You might be initially confused by these terms or even suspect they aren’t that different in terms of what each model offers you as an investor, but they are very distinct approaches, and it’s good […]
Strategic vs. Tactical Investing – How do these investment approaches differ? Provided by Marc Aarons at Money Managers, Inc. Ever heard the term “strategic investing”? How about “tactical investing”? At a glance, you might assume that both these phrases describe the same investment approach. While both approaches involve the periodic adjustment of a portfolio and […]
That truth must always be recognized. Provided by Marc Aarons at Money Managers, Inc. When financial markets have a bad day, week, or month, discomforting headlines and data can swiftly communicate a message to retirees and retirement savers alike: equity investments are risky things, and Wall Street is a risky place. All true. If you […]
A lack of money is but one answer. Provided by Marc Aarons @ Money Managers, Inc. Common wisdom says that you should start saving for retirement as soon as you can. Why do some people wait decades to begin? Nearly everyone can save something. Even small cash savings may be the start of something big […]
A look at how variable rates of return do (and do not) impact investors over time. Provided by Marc Aarons @ Money Managers, Inc. What exactly is the “sequence of returns”? The phrase simply describes the yearly variation in an investment portfolio’s rate of return. Across 20 or 30 years of saving and investing for […]
Expect more volatility, but avoid letting the headlines alter your plans. Provided by Marc Aarons @ Money Managers Inc. Recent headlines have disturbed what was an unusually calm stock market. The political uproar in Washington may continue for weeks or months, and it could mean significant, ongoing turbulence for Wall Street. As an investor, a […]
Too many people make these common errors. Provided by Money Managers,Inc. Many affluent professionals and business owners put estate planning on hold. Only the courts and lawyers stand to benefit from their procrastination. While inaction is the biggest estate planning error, several other major mistakes can occur. The following blunders can lead to major problems. […]
What are the keys in planning to grow wealthy together? Provided by Marc Aarons When you marry or simply share a household with someone, your financial life changes – and your approach to managing your money may change as well. To succeed as a couple, you may also have to succeed financially. The good […]
Here are some things you might want to do before saying goodbye to 2016 Provided by Marc Aarons @ Money Managers, Inc. What has changed for you in 2016? Did you start a new job or leave a job behind? Did you retire? Did you start a family? If notable changes occurred in your […]
Provided by Marc Aarons @ Money Managers Inc. When will the stock market stabilize? As the last trading week of August began, worried investors wondered just that. Gains for the major indices were hard to imagine at Monday’s opening bell, but few imagined the Dow Jones Industrial Average would drop 1,089 points as trading […]