Posts in Financial Articles

Traditional vs. Roth IRAs

Perhaps both traditional and Roth IRAs can play a part in your retirement plans. Provided by Marc Aarons at Money Managers, Inc.   IRAs can be an important tool in your retirement savings belt, and whichever you choose to open could have a significant impact on how those accounts might grow. IRAs, or Individual Retirement Accounts, […]

Putting a Price Tag on Your Health

Being healthy not only makes you feel good, it may also help you financially. Provided by Marc Aarons at Money Managers, Inc.   We constantly hear how important it is to maintain a healthy lifestyle. That is not always easy, especially in the face of temptation or the easy option of procrastination. For some, the monetary […]

When a Family Member Dies

A financial checklist for the most difficult of times.  Provided by Marc Aarons at Money Managers, Inc.   The passing of a loved one irrevocably alters family life. After a death, there is so much to attend to; it is better to do it sooner rather than later. Here, then, is a list of what commonly […]

Stocks & Presidential Elections

What does history tell us – and should we value it?    Provided by Marc Aarons at Money Managers, Inc.   As an investor, you know that past performance is no guarantee of future success. Expanding that truth, history has no bearing on the future of Wall Street. That said, stock market historians have repeatedly analyzed […]

A Retirement Fact Sheet

Some specifics about the “second act.”  Provided by Marc Aarons at Money Managers, INC.      Does your vision of retirement align with the facts? Here are some noteworthy financial and lifestyle facts about life after 50 that might surprise you.   Up to 85% of a retiree’s Social Security income can be taxed. Some retirees are […]

Some Changes Are Coming for 401(k)s

Take note of them for 2019.  Provided by Marc Aarons at Money Managers, Inc      Some notable developments are about to impact 401(k) plans. They follow a major change that became effective in 2018. Thanks to the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act, workers who borrow from 401(k) accounts and leave their jobs now have until […]

Tax Considerations for Retirees

Are you aware of them?  Provided by Marc Aarons at Money Managers, Inc. The federal government offers some major tax breaks for older Americans. Some of these perks deserve more publicity than they receive. If you are 65 or older, your standard deduction is $1,300 larger. Make that $1,600 if you are unmarried. Thanks to […]

Is Generation X Preparing Adequately for Retirement?

Future financial needs may be underestimated.  Provided by Marc Aarons at     If you were born during 1965-80, you belong to “Generation X.” Ten or twenty years ago, you may have thought of retirement as an event in the lives of your parents or grandparents; within the next 10-15 years, you will probably be […]

When You Retire Without Enough

Start your “second act” with inadequate assets, and your vision of the future may be revised.  Provided by Marc Aarons at Money Managers, Inc.     How much have you saved for retirement? Are you on pace to amass a retirement fund of $1 million by age 65? More than a few retirement counselors urge pre-retirees […]

Tolerate the Turbulence

Look beyond this moment and stay focused on your long-term objectives.  Provided by Marc Aarons  Volatility will always be around on Wall Street, and as you invest for the long term, you must learn to tolerate it. Rocky moments, fortunately, are not the norm.   Since the end of World War II, there have been […]

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