Comparing their features, merits, and demerits. Provided by: Marc Aarons at Money Managers Inc. How do you save for retirement? Two options probably come to mind right away: the IRA and the 401(k). Both offer you relatively easy ways to build a retirement fund. Here is a look at the features, merits, and demerits of […]
Are Changes Ahead for Retirement Accounts? A bill now in Congress proposes to alter some longstanding rules. Provided by Marc Aarons at Money Managers, Inc. Most Americans are not saving enough for retirement, despite ongoing encouragement to do so (and recurring warnings about what may happen if they do not). This year, lawmakers are also […]
Save & Invest Even if Money Is Tight For millennials, today is the right time. Provided by Marc Aarons at Money Managers Inc. If you are under 30, you have likely heard that now is the ideal time to save and invest. You know that the power of compound interest is on your side; you […]
Keep an eye on where it goes, as some destinations may be better than others. Provided by Marc Aarons You can probably envision how most of your retirement money will be spent. Much of it will be used on living expenses, health care expenses, and, perhaps, debt reduction. Beyond the basics, you will unquestionably reserve […]
What are the keys in planning to grow wealthy together? Provided by Marc Aarons When you marry or simply share a household with someone, your financial life changes – and your approach to managing your money may change as well. To succeed as a couple, you may also have to succeed financially. The good […]
Two-thirds of us have no financial plan. Provided by Marc Aarons @ Money Managers Inc. Only 48% of Americans say they think they are saving enough. And 30% feel that they are not even slightly confident that they are saving enough for retirement. That finding comes from the 2015 Consumer Financial Literacy Survey conducted […]